Monthly Archives: September 2016

Holly 1 Maths

Over the next few weeks we are learning to count, read and write numbers to 100. We began the unit by completing a 100 square to show what we could already do. Can you complete the 100 square below?

100 Square

To help you learn to read numbers to 100 you could click the picture below to play a game:


To Infinity and Beyond!

Our new topic this half term is all about space.

You will never guess what happened on our field…watch the video below to find out!

Space – UFO crash

In this topic we are going to be learning about the life of Neil Armstrong. Do you know anything about him already? To find out some information about Neil Armstrong click on the picture below.


We are looking forward to seeing your home learning projects this half term which link to our space topic.

Mrs Guarguaglini & Mrs Martin.