On Wednesday 7th September, we embarked on our Rockley adventure, three days of water sports on (and in) the waters of Poole Harbour. Adventures are about new experiences, being brave and sometimes facing fears. As few of us had ever sailed before and one or two could not even swim we approached the event with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. What would we learn? What stories would we have to tell when it was all over?
On the first day, our coach took us swiftly to Rockley Park and as soon as we had met our instructors, Si and Paddy, we headed straight down to the beach. The plan was to complete a day sail on Wayfarers, boats which could hold four passengers. As the weather was hot and sunny we didn’t need our wetsuits, only waterproof trousers. Putting these on together with the essential buoyancy aid was completed with lots of laughing and was our first introduction to the need for teamwork. Without fuss, we climbed into the motor boats and were ferried out to the Wayfarers, moored a little way from the quay. Sails were hoisted, ropes were cast off and with an instructor at each helm we headed out into the harbour. Our destination was Hamworthy for a picnic lunch in Ham Park. After lunch, we became a lot braver with lots of children dipping their heads over the side into the sea and some ‘accidentally’ falling out. We were surprised how warm and shallow the sea was at that point in the harbour. What a fabulous first experience of sailing. Everybody enjoyed it. After dinner back at the lodge we returned to the beach for crabbing and archery. As the sun set around us we became food for the midges
The second day dawned bright and clear. Today we were heading out into the harbour again, but this time were highly likely to end up in the water so it was time for the wetsuits. If we thought getting the waterproof trousers on was tricky, this was as nothing compared to getting 27 children and 3 adults into wetsuits and buoyancy aids. Teamwork, perseverance and a certain amount of wriggling around eventually resulted in success and we were ready. Half of us headed out to the picos, small sailing boats for two sailors.
Half headed towards the raft building and paddle boards. It was a challenging morning. Many of us found the new skills tricky and some of us had to face fears we didn’t know we had. Fortunately, the sea was still warm as many of us found out when we capsized, fell in or jumped in.
After swapping stories over a welcome lunch of baked potatoes followed by chocolate cake and some running games on the beach we were ready to try our second experience of the day. A weary class headed back to the lodge that evening where we were fed a fantastic meal of chilli con carne and were quite relieved to hear that our evening entertainment would be inside, out of reach of the midges.
As we reached the beach on our final day a cool breeze picked up and the sky was cloudy and overcast. It was an inauspicious start. A few decided that they had completed enough activities on the water and chose to stay on the beach with Mrs Chesterfield. The rest of us climbed, wriggled and jumped our way back into our wetsuits. It was time for the ‘cats’. Catamarans – the fastest boats on the water. Instructors would sail them and we would hold on tight. Si described it as like being in a washing machine. He was right. The boats cut through the waves rather than riding on top of them and that water was unceremoniously dumped on top of the passengers. Some of us found it exhilarating, some of us found it extraordinary and a few of us were not convinced by it at all preferring to ride on the safety boat with Paddy. All too soon the experience came to an end and it was time to head back to the lodge ready for the journey home.
Three days. Two nights. One experience which has left us all with memories which will last a lifetime. Funny moments, exciting moments, scary moments all combining to help us learn more about ourselves and what we are each capable of.
Rockley! Maple 2 had been waiting for days, weeks, infact months, waiting to head off for the adventure of a lifetime to face their water fears and to face new challenging adventures. What would we be facing?
On the first day, we embarked on our adventure. Our very first task was completed with laughter and tales. The morning was completed with jumping off boats and accidentally falling out.
At the start of day two, our first activity was completed with slippery tasks. The paddle boarding was really hard and some people started to slip off. But they weren’t in the sea for long because Paddy was there to rescue them.
Sadly, our last day came. It was completed with the catamarans. The catamarans were filled with sogginess and wetness. That’s why we had to all wear our wetsuits. Apart from me because I changed my mind at the last minute about wanting to go on. Fortunately, I had spare clothes in my bag!
Three days, two nights and one big experience. We all wanted to stay including the teachers but it was time to say bye bye.
Great work Jasmine
I like the way you said “some accidentally” falling out. It was the best experience ever but we have the rest of year 6 to make some more memories.
I think most of us just jumped in even if we didn’t fall out of the wayfarers.
The adventure for year 6 2016
Rockley. Rockley was all we had been able to think about for days, weeks months in fact. Rockley. We were going to create some breathtaking memories. All sorts of emotions were racing around our heads. The children weren’t the only ones scared, the adults were too. What would we be facing?Three days of water sports were ahead of us. It was hard to leave our parents behind but we managed.
Day one was the funniest. All that talk about Jasmine wanting to go in the sea. She did it!
Day two was the scariest. We were on our own in groups of two on the pico boats. Some of us failed and capsized. It was a scary moment.
The final day came and it was time for us to do our last activity. Most of the class went on these boats called the catamarans, the fastest boats in the world. They got really wet! But luckily for me and four others we stayed on the beach where we couldn’t get soaked. Rockley was just the beginning of my journey. The rest is back at Bearwood where I shall make some more memories to last a lifetime.
I really liked this. If I was some one that didn’t go I would be zooming off to go to Rockley right now. Well done Rose!
Thank you Jasmine.:-);-):-):-)
Rockley was the best experience for me learning new things along the journey from learning how to steer a boat to being able to sail a boat with no instructor.
Day 2 – very mixed emotions for everyone. It started with two groups splitting up into two activities. One group Pico sailing and the other group paddle boarding. I was so excited by being with my most favourite person I know – Kira. We were having fun in the boats until Kira jumped out of the boat and left me alone. I had two jobs, one doing the sail and the other steering. It was a very hard day for us all.
Day 3 – the final day of our memorable journey. It was very sad for us to know our journey was about to end. Our last activity finished off by going on the catamarans. It was amazing! Sadly, our journey had to end. We got our bags onto the coach and set off home. I just wanted to say a last thanks to my parents and I will miss my memories with my friends because my adventure had to end! Thanks Rockley.
from Lilly.
Great recount Lilly. Like you said we had some amazing memories at Rockley. Some good some bad. Who knows when we can do something like that again.
My Rockley adventure.
On the morning of the second day, we found ourselves stuck on a Pico (2 man boat) with a friend. The sea was like an aggressive hyena chasing off its enemy.
We ferried out into the open ocean wondering if this would be our last breath. Finally, we were set off. Our boat kept on shaking like a fearful rattle snake.
Fortunately – the sight of land!
Three days, two nights, one memory.
On Wednesday 7th September 2016, we brought our luggage to Bearwood school hall.
We were all bursting with excitement. As we stepped on the double decker coach we couldn’t wait for our awesome adventure at Rockley water sports. This would be an experience for all of us to remember. Experiences where we all would face fears and fight our tears. What would we learn? What emotions would we have?
After choosing our partners for the Pico boats, we nervously climbed into the little boats. We were towed to Arne, where the wind was not strong. Feeling excited, Alfie and I were launched into the wavy harbor-we were on our own. Quickly, we got used to sailing. We were behind Si the whole time until we capsized!
Rockley was fun and enjoyable and we had lots of fun experiences like Picos, catamarans and paddle boarding. It was fun and everyone liked it and it is hard to keep a lot of people happy. When it came to do the activities everyone got VERY WET! It was hilarious when everyone fell in the water and struggled to get back in the boats. We met some very nice instructors to boost up our confidence. A lot of people were very scared of the Picos but the instructors made a lot of us very confident and made us not afraid anymore. But some of us were still afraid of the activities for e.g the Picos.
Get ready to be blown away, by this amazing journey at Rockley Water Sports. My body tingled with excitement and my heart beat like a drum as I reached my destination.
Day 1
We packed our bags for the Wayfarers and headed down to the Beach.
Then we had a race in the Wayfarers, and we came first! Me,Tommy, Alfie Sh, Mackenzie and Liam ( our instructor ).
We then had lunch in Hamworthy, Ham Park.
Then we did archery and crabbing. We then headed back to the place where we had a crab race and went back to the Lodge.
Day 2
I woke up and had breakfast, and then our class went down to the beach and much more…
After, our groups went onto the Picos with two people in each boat.
It was only me in the Pico because Rose ended up getting off the boat.
Then our group switched with the Paddleboarding group.
We then headed back to the lodge and had our dinner followed on by the ‘Rockley Egg Drop’. It was a tired night.
Day 3
We were at the beach and we played Fishies and Sharkies.
It was a shock because we were told we would be on the Catamarans, the fastest wind boat out there…!
We headed back to the lodge for the final time and had a final lunch.
We had to go back to the bus to get back to school.
Thank You Rockley! I wish I could go back and say how proud I was of them!
Thank you Taylor. Amazing recount by the way.
On Wednesday 7th September 2016, we brought our luggage to Bearwood school hall. We were all bursting with excitement as we all stepped on the
coach. We couldn’t wait for our awesome adventure at Rockley water sports. This would be an experience for all of us to remember. Experiences are about fighting your fears and facing your tears. What would we learn? What emotions would we have?
On the first day, we wanted to know where we were going! We were going on a cruise around Ham worthy. We met our instructors. My instructor was Straw! In the evening, we did crabbing and archery. We got to to the lodge and spent time in our rooms.
A short time after breakfast on the second day, we embarked upon a boat [called a Pico ]. We stepped into the boat and went for a cruise around Ham worthy. In the afternoon, we had some entertainment which was paddle boading and we stepped upon the navy blue sea and got … drenched.
On our last day, we spent time in the speed boats having a race with the catamarans – the fastest boats on the … WATER. And then we stepped on the coach and cried because we never wanted to leave. I couldn’t wait to see my mum.
Remember never judge anything by the way it looks. We have overcome our fear of the sea and we are not worried … ANYMORE……..
Rockley! Maple 2 had been waiting days weeks,in fact months waiting to head off for the opportunity of a life time to face their water fears and have some fun !
I loved Rockley and all the boats. My favourite was the Wayfarer!
My Rockley adventure was amazing. I loved it so much. I have learnt so many new things. From sailing to raft building we all enjoyed this outstanding trip. We’ve capsized, we’ve fallen in the water but we have still persevered. My most favourite boat was the catamaran. It’s fast, fun and you get really really wet!
By Amelia H and Jasmine B.
Millie I love your recount. You didn’t even use your book. You did it on your own adding new ideas. I like it. WELL DONE Millie
Rockley was the best experience I have ever had and it always will be. Day 1 flew by and in a flash day 2 came so fast. After a short time, we found our selves at the sandy beach that we would be visiting for our experiences. We started off by getting into pairs and sailing by our selves. My partner, Lilly, encouraged me to stay in the boat a little longer but finally that didn’t last long! So Lilly sailed alone,sadly, but that was soon to finish. Our next activity was paddle boarding where we jumped off at the end. Unfortunately, our adventure was coming to an end as our last day went quicker then we thought. Our last water sport came which was going on the fastest boat at the residential park, catamarans. It soon finished and we were all excited to go home. Thank you to the teachers and my parents for making this opportunity happen. And most of all, thanks Rockley!
Great recount. We sure made some memories.
Thank you
Maple 2 had been waiting for this moment for days, weeks, months. One great experience to face our fears and to try new challenges. As we embarked on our residential trip to Rockley, our stomachs were twisting a mixture of emotions.
On the first day, we were set a task which triggered our many laughs. We were going on sail boats. We were in the boat with four other friends. We glided our hands across the tranquil sea; it made our skin feel all tingly as if we were a smack of jelly-fish. We both dunked our heads in as we drifted across the calm ocean. When we returned to the lodge, we finished off our evening with the staff by enjoying a game of archery and a collaborative time doing crabbing. To end our day we settled down into our rooms and had an hour of free time.
Three days, two nights, one experience. These memories of Rockley will never be forgotten.
Thank you Rockley!
Jess you are right. These memories will never be forgotten.
The sea was like diamonds glistening in the sun.
Fears shaking me like a washing machine.
My heart was like a basket ball bouncing off the floor.
The buoyancy aids as tight as my mother hugging me when I got home.
Sails unfurled on boats like pigeons being shot and falling from the sky.
Adventure beckoned!
My Rockley adventure.
It was the beginning of my adventure and yet I have still done more than I have ever done in my life. Wayfarers, Pico and Catamarans. I only (personally) liked the wayfarers. The others were way too scary for my liking. The only reason I didn’t like the Pico is only because we were stuck on the open ocean by OURSELVES!
The wayfarers were much more suitable for me because they were stable and an instructor was controlling the boat for us. However we did have to change the Gibb every few minutes.
But one thing and the most important thing I learnt was that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Not all things are as bad as they look.
3 days, 2 nights, 1 memory that will last longer than a lifetime.
The beginning of my adventure, rushing impatiently into the claustrophobic hall with my ruby red and pitch black bag. It was like it never had been before! Blood rushing to the rim of my skin, excitement bouncing like a hypo kangaroo. Rockley was waiting.
Rockley was great fun. It was so exciting. We got to go on boats. We got to steer. They said that on the second day that we were going to go on a boat called Pico with a friend in your class but with no adult. Me and my friend went together. It was a really wavy day and also our boats were really small. My friend got really scared while we were on the boat. Because she got scared she could not steer. So I had to steer. We capsized. We were screaming. On our last day we went on a catamaran. It was so fast and got wet a lot. We did not want to leave. I want to go there again.
The adventure had just begun.
An amazing sight. Everyone was capsizing into the murky green water. Losing shoes, dunking heads and finally jumping in.
Mind blowing food – jelly, chilli-con carne, pasta and apple crumble.
Blood running down our spine as fear was in our soul as we attempted to go on the Pico boats. Trying not to go upside down.
Rockley was the best experience of my life and I wish we could come back and sail again because it was so much fun. Excitement filled my body along with everyone else. On the first day, we were told the rules and went into our lovely rooms. The Wayfarer was the first thing we went on. I dipped my feet in a few times and with Daniel M., Daniel K., Max and Henry, our sailing instructor, we went off. Daniel M., Daniel K. and Max all did the Titanic scene without falling in. Also they dipped their heads in but I didn’t have the courage to. Daniel.M lost a shoe. Onto the next day. We went on the paddleboards, sailed without an instructor and built a raft. My group built their rafts first. My group thought we had a good idea. After we finished that we went on the paddleboards. I decided to start swimming away from the paddleboard with my paddle and I sadly was stuck floating. I cried on the catamaran and felt like I almost lost my life three times but all in all I would like to go again soon – but not on the catamaran.
Adventure had come to Maple 2 on Wednesday 7th September.
We embarked on a journey to the famous Rockley Park.
As we travelled to the claustrophobic School Hall with a Ton of luggage our feelings were dropping QUICKLY…!
Our blood pumped swiftly through our petrified bodies.
Our hearts exploded one hundred beats per minute…!
This was an event with mixed emotions, excitedness and trepidation.
What stories could we tell when it was all over?
The arrival of Rockley had come.
We were greeted by a Lodge filled with instructors!
I love your recount – how do you know all those words?
AMAZING ! That was my experience of Rockley. The water sports made me feel alive and free . The water was a mix of hot and cold. My shoes were coming off in the thick black mud.
The jelly, chilli ,apple crumble, and sandwiches were fit for a king and queen. The jelly shone like a red sun, the chilli looked like a chilly eruption from a rice volcano.
Me (Mackenzie), Tommy and Luke capsized a catamaran – the fastest and hardest boat to capsize. We drifted away from the catamaran so Paddy, our instructor, pulled us into his life boat.
Hope you had fun.
Hi Malina,
Great to hear from you. We got very wet – sometimes accidentally, sometimes on purpose. It was a real challenge and as you can see from the comments there were one or two scary moments for some children. However, everyone pulled together and supported each other so we’ve all come away with amazing memories.
Miss Manson
I bet. Can you tell everyone I miss you all so much and merry Christmas.
I agree Miss Manson.
Hi Maina I wish you could have been there. It was so much fun.It has been so long.
Me to Rose but just remember I will be in your heart always and I hope you or anyone else will never forget me every I miss you all so much.
What amazing recounts Maple 2. Some of these made me feel like I could have been there with you and Mackenzie, yours makes me feel very hungry!
I’m so glad you all had a great time and made such amazing memories. I’m sure you made Miss Manson very proud and were a credit to Bearwood School, well done.
Hi everyone. I am doing good. I hope you’re good too. I bet it is very quiet without me because
I was very loud and I was very crazy too. I hope the new girl Jasmine is fitting in ok and I hope everyone is doing great because I am ok and doing just fine. I have great friends who look after me if I am sad or not feeling very well. Anyway it looks like you had lots of fun and lot of trouble but Miss Manson said you persevered and got through the hard time. It was nice seeing your faces on the blog because I may have forgotten what some of you look like. hehehe Hope you’re ok and having lots of fun. Just carry on and have lots of fun and memories. Miss you all. Bye
Malina 😉
Hi Malina you are right it’s very quiet in class now. I am glad you have found some new friends. This message means a lot to the Maple 2 team. Our new girl Jasmine has settled in very well. Best of luck in your new school. Make lots of memories and remember to keep in touch.
Maple 2 team 🙂
I will make memories but I will never forget you.
Have the most out of every day because things can happen and you will be sad but if you make the most of every day you will have lot and lots of memories.
Tell the class I miss them so much for me Lilly please.