
Welcome to Maple 1’s first blog of the Spring Term.  This term, in science, we are learning about the life cycles of insects, birds, mammals and amphibians.  The first group of animals we are studying are the insects.  What facts have you discovered so far?  What questions do you have?

27 thoughts on “Insects

  1. We found out that the largest beetle in great britain is the stag beetle and the biggest in the world is the goliath beetle!

  2. I have learned that …
    Most insects are hatched out of a egg.
    The life cycle of a mosquito features four stages, egg, larva, pupa and adult.
    Female mosquitoes drink blood in order to obtain nutrients needed to produce eggs.
    Only male crickets chirp.
    Bees are found on every continent except Antarctica.
    Insects are cold blooded.
    Insects have three pairs of legs.
    and there are the facts that I know hope you love them . yay for insects!!!!!!

  3. Insects have six legs.
    They mostly hatch out of eggs.
    And some insects are slimy,
    They are scaly,
    and they are fascinating.

  4. I learnt that insects are invertebrates so they have no back bone but they do have a head ,thorax and abdomen. A coccinellidae lady bug’s life cycle is egg , larva , pupa then adult. A stag beetle is the biggest insect known in the UK. Insects have no lungs ,so their oxygen gets carried from a tube called traccheole which forms gas. This life process is called respiration.

  5. I love finding out about INSECTS and looking at one and did you know that a million different types of insects live in the UK and insects have something called an exoskeleton. An exoskeleton is when they have their bones outside the body. We don’t have an exoskeleton.

  6. I have enjoyed learning about insects so far. These are some of my facts :Insects are invertebrates which means they have no backbone. The Goliath Beetle is the biggest in the world.
    By Jessica Homer

  7. Last week we did science and when I walked into the class room after lunch I didn’t know anything about insects until we read pieces of paper with information about insects.We found out that the Goliath beetle is the biggest in the world and the biggest in Britain is the stag beetle. Also that insects have an exoskeleton. An exoskeleton is the hard core outside of their body.

  8. Here are some facts about insects:

    They are invertebrates. This means that they have no backbone. We are called vertebrates because we do have a backbone.

    The strongest beetle in the world is the Hercules beetle. Hercules was a famous Greek hero who was very strong. He was sent to do seven tasks.

  9. How many big insects are there?
    I have learnt the ladybug life cycle goes like this:

    The larva looks different to the adult. When the larva changes to an adult it is called metamorphosis.


  10. We learnt about insects. There are various insects including beetles ,lady birds, butter fly etc. I will present some facts goliath beetles are the biggest beetles in the world. stag beetles are the biggest in the uk. They also don’t have lungs. They are invetebrates ,so they don’t have a back bone. They have exo skeletons. We learnt about insects on Monday 18th January 2016. I learnt that insects have no lungs.

  11. Some insects have exoskeletons. They are invertebrates . This is a life cycle of a ladybird eggs+larva+pupa+adult. A Goliath Beetle is the biggest insect in the world.

  12. Today we learnt about insects .Did you know that insects have exactly than 6 legs .Did you know that ladybirds start off as eggs then they turn into a larva after that they turn into a pupa . When the larva turns into an adults this is called metamorphosis.

  13. How many Insects are Vertebrates (Have a Back-Bone)?
    How many Insects live in different Countries?

    Answers: None because all insects are invertebrates which means they have no backbone.

    Answers: No-one knows the exact number of insects. It is too many to count!
    Did you know?….. The Stag beetle is the largest beetle in the UK!
    Did you know?….. The Goliath beetle is the biggest beetle in the World!
    Did you know?….. There is a type of Butterfly called the Monarch Butterfly!

  14. No bugs and insects are two different things for example spiders can be called bugs but not insects because they have have eight legs.

  15. Insects start as a egg then a child then an adult and larvas are black and orange and eat roots and wood . The biggest in the world is a goliath beetle.

  16. Did you know there is a moth a foot long .
    Also a grass hopper that can eat a carrot. It is as prickly as thorny brambles 🙂


  17. Insects have an exoskeleton. This means their bones are on the outside not the inside. They lay eggs not live babies and all have 6 legs. They are invertebrates which means they have no spine. The biggest insect in the world is the goliath beetle. The biggest in Britain is the stag beetle. The smallest in the world is an ant. Ladybirds love eating pests and can release a poison from their leg joints.
    By Chloe

  18. Insects are very interesting things. They crawl every where .A lady bird life cycle is eggs, larva, pupa, adult . They are invertebrates so they have no back bone. All insects have 6 legs.

  19. What is the amount of insects that have an exo-skeleton? I have found out that the Stag Beetle is the biggest beetle in Britain. A Giant Stick insect is one of the biggest insects in the world. Insects have three main parts of the body: head, thorax and abdomen. The Goliath Beetle is one of the, if not the biggest beetle in the world. Another one was the Tarantula wasp. On the website it said”the Tarantula wasp has a stinger that can be up to 3inches long with one of the worst stingers in the world.

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